WEEK 2: Lightning
This week you will be capturing images at dawn, midday and dusk. Take an image using Auto White Balance set on your camera. Then using exactly the same exposure settings change the white balance to each of the different settings on your camera =, taking an image each time.
f/22 1/25 ISO 100
Epic morning at the base shooting the sunrise coming from the east. I have to say that I'm not sure which WB was the most accurate for this morning, but the ones that showed the real colors in my humble opinion were the daylight and the shade one. They are the ones that look more natural.
f/16 1/200 ISO125
Direct sunlight at noon at the Macquarie lighthouse. The majority of my photos were cooler than warmer, probably because of the clear sky. The AWB brought a stunning white on the lighthouse but the daylight WB provided me a better balance of colors. Except the fluorescent and the tungsten, all the WB produced a photo according to the reality.
f/6.3 1/80 ISO 100
I think normally shots taken at dusk or sunset have this orangey tint. They are the favorite ones of many photographers when it comes to use the Lightroom or Photoshop (lol) There heaps of colors going from the blue, purple and orange. It depends at the end of your creativity. I love the photos with the shade and the cloudy WB. I'm not expert on this matter yet. I think I'm lucky enough to have a DSRL camera with many WB options but the aim of this course at the end is to learn how to manipulate the temperature of the colors in your camera.
Thanks for reading!
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